Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- PyQt4 - Python bindings for Qt4
- PyQt4-devel - Files needed to build other bindings based on Qt4
- PyQt4-doc - PyQt4 developer documentation and examples
- PyQt4-qsci-api - Qscintilla API file support
- PyQt4-webkit - Python bindings for Qt4 Webkit
- pdfjam - Utilities for joining, rotating and aligning PDFs
- perl-Apache-RPC - Companion packages for RPC::XML tuned for mod_perl environments
- perl-Devel-StackTrace - Perl module implementing stack trace and stack trace frame objects
- perl-Email-Sender - A library for sending email
- perl-Email-Simple - Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
- perl-File-Finder - Nice wrapper for File::Find ala find(1)
- perl-JSON - Parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- perl-JSON-tests - Test suite for package perl-JSON
- perl-Module-Runtime - Runtime module handling
- perl-Moo - Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
- perl-MooX - Using Moo and MooX:: packages the most lazy way
- perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike - Some Moosish types and a type builder
- perl-OpenOffice-OODoc - perl module for working with Open Document Format files
- perl-OpenOffice-UNO - Interface to OpenOffice's UNO run-time
- perl-RPC-XML - Set of classes for core data, message and XML handling
- perl-Sub-Override - Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
- perl-Text-MediawikiFormat - Mediawiki formatter
- perl-Text-Wrapper - Simple word wrapping perl module
- perl-Throwable - Role for classes that can be thrown
- perl-XML-Bare - Minimal XML parser implemented via a C state engine
- perl-bareword-filehandles - Disables bareword filehandles
- perl-indirect - Lexically warn about using the indirect object syntax
- perl-multidimensional - Disables multidimensional array emulation
- perl-strictures - Turn on strict and make all warnings fatal
- polkit - An authorization framework
- polkit-devel - Development files for polkit
- polkit-docs - Development documentation for polkit
- proj - Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
- proj-devel - Development files for PROJ.4
- proj-epsg - EPSG dataset for PROJ.4
- proj-nad - US and Canadian datum shift grids for PROJ.4
- proj-static - Development files for PROJ.4
- pulseaudio - Improved Linux Sound Server
- pulseaudio-esound-compat - PulseAudio EsounD daemon compatibility script
- pulseaudio-gdm-hooks - PulseAudio GDM integration
- pulseaudio-libs - Libraries for PulseAudio clients
- pulseaudio-libs-devel - Headers and libraries for PulseAudio client development
- pulseaudio-libs-glib2 - GLIB 2.x bindings for PulseAudio clients
- pulseaudio-module-bluetooth - Bluetooth support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-gconf - GConf support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-x11 - X11 support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-module-zeroconf - Zeroconf support for the PulseAudio sound server
- pulseaudio-qpaeq - Pulseaudio equalizer interface
- pulseaudio-utils - PulseAudio sound server utilities
- pygame - Python modules for writing games
- pygame-devel - Files needed for developing programs which use pygame
- python-blinker - Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
- python-cssselect - Parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
- python-doxypypy - Doxypypy - A more Pythonic version of doxypy, a Doxygen filter for Python
- python-glpk - Python bindings for GLPK
- python-gmpy2 - Python 2 interface to GMP, MPFR, and MPC
- python-gpod - Python module to access iPod content
- python-husl - A Python implementation of HUSL
- python-kivy-doc - Documentation for python-kivy
- python-kivy-examples - Hardware-accelerated multitouch application library - Documentation
- python-lxml - ElementTree-like Python bindings for libxml2 and libxslt
- python-lxml-docs - Documentation for python-lxml
- python-matplotlib - Python 2D plotting library
- python-matplotlib-doc - Documentation files for python-matplotlib
- python-matplotlib-qt4 - Qt4 backend for python-matplotlib
- python-matplotlib-tk - Tk backend for python-matplotlib
- python-networkx-doc - Documentation for networkx
- python-patsy - Describing statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas
- python-patsy-doc - Documentation for python-patsy, includes full API docs
- python-pybtex-doc - Documentation for python-pybtex
- python-pygments - Syntax highlighting engine written in Python
- python-pyqtgraph-doc - Documentation for the pyqtgraph library
- python-six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
- python-sphinx-doc - Documentation for python-sphinx
- python-sphinx-latex - LaTeX builder dependencies for python-sphinx
- python-sphinx-locale - Locale files for python-sphinx
- python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex-doc - Documentation for python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex
- python-sphinxcontrib-gallery-doc - Documentation for python-sphinx-gallery
- python-sphinxcontrib-nb2plots-doc - Documentation for python-nb2plots
- python-sphinxcontrib-sphinxtesters-doc - Documentation for python-sphinxtesters
- python-sqlalchemy - Modular and flexible ORM library for python
- python2-Cython - A language for writing Python extension modules
- python2-babel - Library for internationalizing Python applications
- python2-brotli - Lossless compression algorithm (python 2)
- python2-et_xmlfile - An implementation of lxml.xmlfile for the standard library
- python2-evdev - Python bindings for the Linux input handling subsystem
- python2-imagesize - Python module for analyzing image file headers and returning image sizes
- python2-jdcal - Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars
- python2-kivy - Kivy - Multimedia / Multitouch framework in Python
- python2-kivy-devel - Development files for python-kivy
- python2-latexcodec - Lexer and codec to work with LaTeX code in Python
- python2-networkx - Creates and Manipulates Graphs and Networks
- python2-networkx-core - Creates and Manipulates Graphs and Networks
- python2-networkx-drawing - visual representations for graphs and networks
- python2-networkx-geo - GDAL I/O
- python2-numpy - A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
- python2-numpy-f2py - f2py for numpy
- python2-openpyxl - Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files
- python2-orderedset - Ordered set implementation in Cython
- python2-pelican - A tool to generate a static blog from reStructuredText or Markdown input files
- python2-pyaes - Pure-Python implementation of AES block-cipher and common modes of operation
- python2-pybtex - BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor written in Python
- python2-pybtex-docutils - Docutils backend for pybtex
- python2-pydotplus - Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language
- python2-pyopengl - Python 2 bindings for OpenGL
- python2-pyopengl-tk - PyOpenGL Python 2.x Tk widget
- python2-pyqt4-sip - Files needed to generate Python bindings for any C++ class library
- python2-pyqt5-sip - Files needed to generate Python bindings for any C++ class library
- python2-pyqtgraph - Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python
- python2-pyserial - Python serial port access library
- python2-pyxdg - Python2 library to access freedesktop.org standards
- python2-seaborn - Statistical data visualization in Python
- python2-sip - SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
- python2-sip-devel - Files needed to generate Python bindings for any C++ class library
- python2-snowballstemmer - Provides 16 stemmer algorithms generated from Snowball algorithms
- python2-sphinx - Python documentation generator
- python2-sphinx-testing - Testing utility classes and functions for Sphinx extensions
- python2-sphinx-theme-alabaster - Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
- python2-sphinx_rtd_theme - Sphinx theme for readthedocs.org
- python2-sphinxcontrib-bibtex - Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations
- python2-sphinxcontrib-gallery - Sphinx extension for making gallery of Python scripts
- python2-sphinxcontrib-nb2plots - Converting between ipython notebooks and sphinx docs
- python2-sphinxcontrib-sphinxtesters - Utilities for testing Sphinx extensions
- python2-sphinxcontrib-texext - Sphinx extensions for working with LaTeX math
- python2-statsmodels - Statistics in Python
- python2-statsmodels-doc - Documentation for statsmodels, includes full API docs
- python2-wx-siplib - Files needed to generate Python bindings for any C++ class library
- python3-PyQt4 - Python 3 bindings for Qt4
- python3-PyQt4-devel - Python 3 bindings for Qt4
- python3-PyQt4-webkit - Python3 bindings for Qt4 Webkit
- python3-blinker - Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
- python3-brotli - Lossless compression algorithm (python 3)
- python3-cloudpickle - Extended pickling support for Python objects
- python3-doit - Automation Tool
- python3-doit-doc - Documentation for python-doit
- python3-inotify - Monitor filesystem events with Python under Linux
- python3-nmigen - A refreshed Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware
- python3-pyqt4-sip - SIP - Python 3/C++ Bindings Generator for pyqt4
- python3-pyqt5-sip - SIP - Python 3/C++ Bindings Generator for pyqt5
- python3-pyqtgraph - Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python
- python3-pyserial - Python serial port access library
- python3-pyvcd - Write Value Change Dump (VCD) files (IEEE 1364-2005).
- python3-sip - SIP - Python 3/C++ Bindings Generator
- python3-sip-devel - Files needed to generate Python bindings for any C++ class library
- python3-sphinx-press-theme - A Sphinx-doc theme based on Vuepress
- python3-wx-siplib - SIP - Python 3/C++ Bindings Generator for wx