
Help anyone.--- green apple

Suppose I have a code like this:

#include <stdio.h>

          printf("Help Anyone\n");

Can anyone show me an example of a make file. In what directory is suppose I put
this source code?
After generating the binary, can I use loadlin to boot this OS? If I put this image
in one of my DOS directory say \TEST,
what would be my loadlin parameter or if I choose the floopy instead can I boot it
with loadLin? Or does oskit capable of booting an image in a floppy using like DOS

I have open one of the GNUblablabla and I found that all examples are link to
multiboot.o. Is multiboot.o has any relationship with multiboot.c coz multiboot.c
is also link to multiboot.o. Maybe they are cousin or something? Just curious but
an explaination will be appreciated.

Any help will be greatly appreciate and thanks in advance

btw, I have configured oskit outside its main distribution directory. :-)


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