
Re: Help with GRUB

Hi Geoff!

to boot from a floppy the syntax is :

kernel=(hdxx,xx)/kernel <string> to pass along to kernel 


kernel=(hd2,0)/Kaffe CWD=/tmp/java -- minishell.Shell

Tells Grub
1.  to look for the kernel in the second disk drive  
2.  Sets the current working directory to /tmp/java
3.  in the case of kaffe / oskit it executes minishell.Shell

boot loads the kernel specificied with the kernel command.

	Hope this helps,

> Geoff White wrote:
> > I take it that I can copy a kernel image onto a floopy, I'm using FreeBSD
> > as a development platform.What is the right way to get the image onto the
> > floppy?
> > What else should go on the floppy?
> > Is the file system on the floppy a FAT or some other format?
> You can use whatever filesystem GRUB supports (FFS, EXT2FS, ...),
> or just write it with dd and note the sectors -- GRUB can load
> that too.
> > Do I need to put some part of GRUB (stage 2) on the kernel floppy?
> Well, you have to boot somehow, so the answer is `probably yes'.
> GRUB allows you to leave stage two on the hard drive, but I don't
> think that makes much sense.
> > What would the stand alone command be to boot the kernel image off of a
> > floppy?
> Something like `kernel=(fd0)64+4000' `boot' will do, but I
> certainly made up the numbers out of blue. If you have a
> filesystem on your floppy, you can use `(fd0)/kernel' as an
> address. All this is described in GRUB documentation.
> > Is there a way I can boot the kernel image straight from the FreeBSD
> > partition?
> Yes. GRUB supports FFS.
> -- 
> Drive^H^Hnk safely!
> Alex  @  http://welcome.to/averstak/
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