
Re: GRUB with ethernet support.

Klaus Espenlaub <espenlaub@informatik.uni-ulm.de> writes:
> Johan Rydberg wrote:

> > Have anyone seen some work on GRUB that makes it possible to boot
> > kernels (and modules) from the network using bootp and tftp?
> AFAIK the L4-Linux guys have hacked GRUB to support at least NFS.
> It's derived from grub 0.4.1.  You can download it from
> ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/os/L4/devel/grub-l4-981207.tar.gz

Our GRUB doesn't support NFS, but it supports BOOTP/TFTP, as requested
by the original poster.  If I'm not mistaken, the release referenced
above supports NE2000, WD8003, and NE2000-PCI NICs.

hohmuth@innocent.com, hohmuth@inf.tu-dresden.de

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