
Re: xwindow in oskit

>Lo and behold, yaoyyuan@263.net once said:
>> I have used oskit building Kaffe successfully. But it can not run
>> Xwindow. So I want to build a kernel of Xwindow by oskit. How can I do?
>> Yu yao
>   X windows will not run under the oskit for local display.  The
>possibility exists that you could have it display remotely by linking
>against the X libs, but you'd have to compile your own Xlibs to do so.
>I'm not sure if anyone has done it.

I'm a bit late with this one, but still, here it is :)

I remember back in the stone age when I was still using DJGPP under DOS,
somebody has made a port of XLib to the bare hardware.  It's not quite
X but you can use it to get your X programs to work under DOS.  Perhaps
this is a good starting point for an OSKit port of XLib... and perhaps
in combination with the OSKit WIMP library it can provide a full windowing
system.  If you feel like doing a lot of hacking then I guess you should
have a go at this :)
I *think* (this address is by heart, if it's not okay I'll have to look
it up) you can get the library here:

(or was it djgpp1 ?)

PS, on a different subject, about the floppy driver I was going to try
to port:  it doesn't look like I'm going to have time in the near future,
so don't hold your breath.  I had a quick look at the available documentation
and code, and I must say that I immensely dislike the OSKit driver model
on first sight.  The person who designed it seems to have been so focused
on making a model that makes it easy to port existing drivers that it
becomes a tremendous amount of work to write a driver "for the OSKit",
without writing a huge amount of glue kludge.  So the easiest way to
write a driver for the OSKit is to write a linux or freebsd driver
and then to port it to the OSKit.  Has it never occured to anybody else
that this might not be the ideal way to support drivers in an operating
system ?  Or am I missing something ?
