
Re: compatibility?!

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Mike Hibler wrote:

> Here at Utah we have only tested the oskit with RH 6.2
> so there may well be problems with 7.0.

It compiles fine under Debian and Slackware 7.  Add those to the list.

In all honesty, I don't get the logic where people believe that a single
distribution is all that a piece of software is available for.  It's all the
same software folks[1], just a different install method and a few different
locations, all which should be configured into the particular edition of the
standard tools.

Now, if someone was to say "which OS should I use - Linux or Irix?" that
would be a valid question (to which the answer could well be "<shudder>")
but all distros of Linux are created (effectively) equal, by using much the
same code.

This does not, of course, apply to RH 7, since they were quite keen on
shipping very alpha software and not making the lackwits sufficiently aware
of the potential problem.

[1] Except, of course, if you're insane enough to use something developed
in-house by a particular distro and not OpenSourced - in which case, it's
not distro- or OS-neutral, and you deserve to burn in programmer's hell.

#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer
