
Re: Scheduler Question

You had said you wanted to write your own schedulers.  One thing
Leigh's msg didn't really point out is that his code provides a
framework that is designed to make that pretty easy.
E.g, from thread/README.SCHED:

	There has been a moderate restructuring of the pthreads scheduling
	support to allow different types of schedulers to be more easily
	plugged in.
	This is accomplished by breaking up the scheduler into a more or less
	common part, and a policy-specific part. It should be noted that the
	intent of this work is to allow easier selection of scheduler policies
	(say, you want the EDF or Stride scheduler), as well as easier
	replacement of schedulers with one you write yourself.

> and do we have to follow the names that you have already defined?

If you like to use 'sed' or #define that's fine with us!
(Our Knit toolset could rename things more elegantly, but the entire OSKit
is not yet "Knitified" and besides, Knit is probably more than you need.)