
OSKit hosted on freebsd questions...problems..

Hello all,
I am adopting the OSKit kernel for our Operating Systems course next quarter here at Oregon Institute of Technology.  I am working on getting it up and running in our lab. I have a machine on which I am running free BSD OS version 4.1.
I have copied the code, compiled and installed it with no apparent problems.
Now I need to create one of the example kernels and boot it. This is where I am running into a wall. I have been wading through the manuals trying to get the correct pieces together and cannot figure out where to look. What I want to do is boot the simple "hello" kernel. I would like to use the boot loader that comes with freebsd.
The manuals say I should use the "mkbsdimage" script to create a bootable bsd image from the compiled and linked "hello" kernel. For some reason, I do not have the "mkbsdimage" script and cannot find it in the release I have. I have also played around with the "configure" script to see if I could force the generation of the "mkbsdimage" script. So far, I have had no luck.
What do I need to do here? I am running against the clock for the start of the next term and I would like to use this kernel.  Any help and suggestions would be very much appreciated.
   Jim Long
