
Re: Sphere

There is a kernel of a reasonable question in your ranting message, or
rather, a reasonable question may be inferred from your rant.  That
is, why is the OSKit tarball so huge when the OSKit is typically
targeted at building OS's of rather restricted function?

The answer (as I think is stated rather clearly in the Web page and
documents and papers) is that the OSKit is *not* an OS.  Instead, it
is a *kit* of pieces (components, libraries, what have you) of typical
OS's, from which you are expected to choose just the ones you want to
implement your target design.  Further, the pieces are designed so
that you can replace individual ones with your own versions, to get
altered behavior-- ie, a custom OS.

If you had read the message from Alastair Reid posted earlier that
same day, the above should have been obvious.  Alastair explained how
the Knit tool can configure minimal OSKit kernels, down to 2K in size.

Is that small enough for you?  That particular kernel certainly
exhibited the minimal-- but classic-- function you seem to wish for.