
Re: i386-gnu OSKit (Was: something funny about...)

Alan Grimes <alangrimes@starpower.net> writes:

> Get rid of automake completely, and do things the Right Way(tm). 

I take it you don't understand autoconf and automake. The use of the
automake program can be debated, but the kludge you object to has
*nothing* to do with automake.

> Adding a kludge for each OS is __WRONG__ to the point of being
> diabolicly evil. "You are not permitted to run platforms we don't
> approve of, including the OS this kit is supposed to help you make."

I see no evil with adding workarounds for bugs in various OS:es. I
also see no evil in taking advantage of features that are available
only on some systems, and disabling features at configure time on
systems where they can't easily be implemented.

I do find it annoying, though, if configure aborts because it thinks
your operating system isn't supported. Say if I want to hack some
non-system-dependent part of glibc (like its documentation), then I
still have to do it on a system that glibc supports. If I try to
unpack it on, say, Solaris, configure refuses to create any makefiles.

> I hate GNU software. =\

Then why are you reading or posting to debian-hurd?


Follow-Ups: References: