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SymbiYosys -
The Yices SMT Solver
caffe -
Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding
coin-or-Cbc -
Coin-or branch and cut
coin-or-Cgl -
Cut Generation Library
coin-or-Clp -
Coin-or linear programming
coin-or-CoinUtils -
Coin-or Utilities
coin-or-Osi -
COIN-OR Open Solver Interface Library
coin-or-Sample -
Coin-or Sample data files
cvc3 -
CVC3 - Automated validity checker
drawtiming -
A command line tool for generating timing diagrams
gnuplot -
A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
gnuplot-common -
The common gnuplot parts
gnuplot-doc -
Documentation fo bindings for the gnuplot main application
gnuplot-latex -
Configuration for LaTeX typesetting using gnuplot
gnuplot-minimal -
Minimal version of program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
gnuplot-mode -
Emacs bindings for the gnuplot main application
gnuplot-mode-el -
Emacs bindings for the gnuplot main application
gnuplot-qt -
Qt interface for gnuplot
magic -
A very capable VLSI layout tool
mot-adms -
An electrical compact device models converter
mpfi -
An interval arithmetic library based on MPFR
ngspice -
A mixed level/signal circuit simulator
ogdi -
Open Geographic Datastore Interface
proj -
Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
proj-epsg -
EPSG dataset for PROJ.4
proj-nad -
US and Canadian datum shift grids for PROJ.4
tclspice -
Tcl/Tk interface for ngspice
xcircuit -
Electronic circuit schematic drawing program
yices -
The Yices SMT Solver
yosys -
Yosys open synthesis suite