rpm 4.19.92
The RPM Package Manager
No Matches
Data Fields

#include <rpmtd.h>

Data Fields

rpm_tag_t tag
rpm_tagtype_t type
rpm_count_t count
rpm_data_t data
rpmtdFlags flags
int ix
rpm_count_t size

Detailed Description

Container for rpm tag data (from headers or extensions).

Make this opaque (at least outside rpm itself)

Field Documentation

◆ count

rpm_count_t rpmtd_s::count

number of entries

◆ data

rpm_data_t rpmtd_s::data

pointer to actual data

◆ flags

rpmtdFlags rpmtd_s::flags

flags on memory allocation etc

◆ ix

int rpmtd_s::ix

iteration index

◆ size

rpm_count_t rpmtd_s::size

size of data (only works for RPMTD_IMMUTABLE atm)

◆ tag

rpm_tag_t rpmtd_s::tag

rpm tag of this data entry

◆ type

rpm_tagtype_t rpmtd_s::type

data type

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: